Tuesday 4 March 2014

February Book Challenge!

As you know I've been keeping up with my New Years Resolution which is to read at least one book per month and for February I've read through three. I couldn't restrain myself and bought Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë, and the other two had been sat on my shelf a while half read.

Agnes Grey, Anne Brontë

I was on my way to the hairdressers (who messed up my appointment that had to be postponed) and realised I'd not brought a book with me, so I thought it was a great excuse to buy a new one and so I set off to The Bookshop in Welwyn. I was after a quick read, something light and to keep me ticking over as I can't stand trashy magazines in the salon, and Agnes Grey was there staring at me. I've loved the other Brontë books and as the sisters are from the same village as me I thought why not! So off to a cafe I went to divulge into another world with some good coffee.
   I read the introduction and it was mentioned that this novel was one of the least imaginative of the other Brontë books. I can see where they were coming from, but sometimes all you need is a light straight forward story, no over complicated story lines, just a good old, down to earth journey of a plain governess. I could see the similarity of Anne's own life in this novel and as I'm a fan of the sisters in general and not just their books, this was really interesting for me to read through the lines.

Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, Haruki Murakami

I've been slowly reading through this book of short stories for god knows how long and I though it was high time I had it finished! Murakami is without a doubt one of my favourite authors, I really enjoyed this collection and I've read most of his other works with 'Sputnik Sweetheart' and 'Kafka on the Shore' being the best. Murakami is out there on his own with his style of writing and imagination, his stories always verge on the edge of reality and the unexplained unknown. Definitely worth a read if you're after fiction that's a bit different.

Poe: Illustrated Tales of Mystery and Imagination, Edgar Allen Poe

This is another book which has been sat on my shelf for a very long time half read. As before, this collection of poetry and short stories is very easy to dip in and out of and it got to the point where I had to finish it. These short stories were very powerful and this was my first encounter with Poe. I'd heard of his work before and now I'm glad I've read them. 'The Pit and the Pendulum' had me on the edge of my seat, as did 'A Descent into the Maelström', and many of the other poems were downright disturbing but brilliant at the same time.

If anyone wants to see my little online collection of books that I've read, books I'm currently reading and books that I want to read, head over to my Goodreads account!

January Book Challenge!

At the beginning of January 2014 I decided my New Years Resolution was to be a fun one (and fairly realistic). My challenge for the rest of the year is to read at least one book a month; Mainly to give me a kick up the bum and find the time to read more as it's one of my favorite hobbies!

Sooo, instead of one book, for January I may have read five!
Even though this post is a little late, I aim to write about the books I've read at the end of every month as something to look back on myself and to whoever else might be interested.

This year I have quite a fair few books to get through. As family and friends know, I like to read, therefore I love receiving books for Christmas and Birthdays and I tend to buy a cheeky few from Oxfam now and again, so the amount of books I own is mounting up. Therefore my other aim is to not buy any new books (if I can help it) and get through my mountain. (Forty to be exact, and not including my boyfriends books eg, Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and 007 books).

Here Are the books I read during January:

How to Fall in Love, Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia Ahern is one of my favorite authors and first introduced to me by my Nan with PS. I Love You, which had me an emotional wreck at the first chapter. Since then, I've been hooked. I love Ahern's natural story telling ability. 'How to Fall in Love' is about a mans struggle to live his life and is persuaded to see the beauty in the world again. It was such a heartfelt and enjoyable read, and with most of Cecelia Ahern's books, I couldn't put it down.

The Hunger Games Triology, Suzanne Collins

These three were 'un-put-down-able'! Bought for me by Matt at Christmas I was so excited to read these because of the hype, and boy was I not disappointed! Fantastic story-line and lovable characters, the films don't do these books justice, although I must say, Jenifer Lawrence plays a brilliant Katniss. Couldn't recommend these books enough, definitely live up to the hype.

The Book Thief, Markus Zusak

I also got this book for Christmas alongside 'The Help' by Kathryn Stockett with a giftcard. I've had it on my wishlist for over a year and knowing that it was coming out in the cinema end of Feb, I just had to read it, and I'm glad I did! First of all, it's narrated by death, which is such an interesting and unusual concept that made it all that more favorable. And secondly, it takes you through such an emotional journey of a little girl living in Nazi Germany that it leaves you wanting to read more about her life. I've recommended this book to so many people that I just hope they take my word for it and pick it up!

If anyone wants to see my little online collection of books that I've read, books I'm currently reading and books that I want to read, head over to my Goodreads account!

Thursday 9 January 2014

A much needed update!

I've been so quiet on here of late, well.. for the past 6+ months and, to be honest, it always makes me a little nervous the idea of writing a blog. I know I intend to use it as a way of looking back on my little antics as I'm very forgetful and it's nice to reflect back on things from a year or so ago, but the idea of someone reading my thoughts is a little scary!

However, it's something I'll eventually get over... So here's what I've been up to!

In June after finishing University with a Degree in Fine Art (yay) I moved 200 miles south to live with my boyfriend and his lovely family in Stevenage, and since then I've acquired two little jobs which are slowly helping towards saving for a house. I've made some wonderful new friends since living here, and feel like I've settled in really well and I'm truly happy.

We had a lovely Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to my Graduation next week where I'll get to see some of my family whom I really miss.

I think from now on, I'm really going to make a conscious effort to keep up to date with this blog with a flow of book reviews, skincare and make up reviews, the odd contemplation, travel and life in general, and I might throw in a little knitting and crochet in there too ;)

I have a feeling 2014 will be a good one!

Thursday 30 May 2013

'Jute Orbis' Fine Art Degree Show 2013

I'm both nervous and excited all at once, we have the preview night on Friday 31st May from 6pm til 9pm and then the exhibition is open for the public from 1st June til 11th June 2013!
I've been constantly crocheting twine domes and now the work is installed, I'm looking at it and honestly dont't know what reaction it will receive because I've just been staring at the things for 3 months! Good or not so good, the work is up and I'm feeling proud.

I've not really kept updated on my blog regarding my artwork, so here's an overview: Each piece is hand crocheted using jute (natural twine) as my material, into domes of varying sizes. When the individual pieces are placed together it creates a large ambiguous landscape. The main focus for myself is the idea of a single unit multiplied and the visual fascination with circles. For me, the work is about process and the therapeutic qualities from the mass repetition, however, I've had feedback from people saying what they see in the work. For example; limpets, human body parts, lichen, bacteria, underwater sea floor and a dome kingdom. I find it very interesting hearing what people think about my work.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Crochet Crochet Crochet....

Once again I've taken a massive lul in my blog, I just get out of it and feel that my thoughts and activities aren't worth writing about or reading, but here's me trying to get back into it, I think it'll be good for me once I get my artist website up and running.. And confidence in myself and my work etc..

Anywho! CROCHET!
So my final project is all about the crochet. It's a therapeutic process which I thoroughly enjoy and have taken it up as a textile sculptural form. I crochet circle domes of varying sized and place them together to form a type of strange landscape across the wall. I use natural twine fibres as my material as I like its raw, earthy qualities.

At the moment it's production, production, production! But I'm also experimenting in the best way to attach them to the wall. I tried nails but they're too visible and there's less control over its placement, the other alternative which has worked the best is drawing pins, they stay hidden underneath the material and it's easier to place them together so each circle dome is touching.

Soon we'll be clearing the studios and turning it into our very own gallery space! Exciting!

Friday 17 August 2012

Brontë Parsonage Museum

I live in Haworth and thought it'd be a nice idea to visit the museum with my mum and brother to get everyone out of the house and see the new exhibition of the costumes from the most recent Jane Eyre film starring Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender <3 I couldn't believe how small the costumes were! The intricate detail however, on miss Ingram's clothing was especially beautiful compared to the plain grey shades of Janes' dresses. I am very happy that I've seen them, it was just a shame I couldn't take photographs! So here's one of the Parsonage from the outside and the graveyard :)

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Half way there...

I've been plodding away with making my cushion cover, it's the most challenging pattern I've done to date so I'm quite excited as to how it will turn out, but so far so good!!
Already my mum has asked me to make one for her, so it must be semi good for her to want one already without seeing the finished product! Hopefully other people will want one too!! Etsy.com here I come ;)