Thursday 2 May 2013

Crochet Crochet Crochet....

Once again I've taken a massive lul in my blog, I just get out of it and feel that my thoughts and activities aren't worth writing about or reading, but here's me trying to get back into it, I think it'll be good for me once I get my artist website up and running.. And confidence in myself and my work etc..

Anywho! CROCHET!
So my final project is all about the crochet. It's a therapeutic process which I thoroughly enjoy and have taken it up as a textile sculptural form. I crochet circle domes of varying sized and place them together to form a type of strange landscape across the wall. I use natural twine fibres as my material as I like its raw, earthy qualities.

At the moment it's production, production, production! But I'm also experimenting in the best way to attach them to the wall. I tried nails but they're too visible and there's less control over its placement, the other alternative which has worked the best is drawing pins, they stay hidden underneath the material and it's easier to place them together so each circle dome is touching.

Soon we'll be clearing the studios and turning it into our very own gallery space! Exciting!

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