Thursday 30 May 2013

'Jute Orbis' Fine Art Degree Show 2013

I'm both nervous and excited all at once, we have the preview night on Friday 31st May from 6pm til 9pm and then the exhibition is open for the public from 1st June til 11th June 2013!
I've been constantly crocheting twine domes and now the work is installed, I'm looking at it and honestly dont't know what reaction it will receive because I've just been staring at the things for 3 months! Good or not so good, the work is up and I'm feeling proud.

I've not really kept updated on my blog regarding my artwork, so here's an overview: Each piece is hand crocheted using jute (natural twine) as my material, into domes of varying sizes. When the individual pieces are placed together it creates a large ambiguous landscape. The main focus for myself is the idea of a single unit multiplied and the visual fascination with circles. For me, the work is about process and the therapeutic qualities from the mass repetition, however, I've had feedback from people saying what they see in the work. For example; limpets, human body parts, lichen, bacteria, underwater sea floor and a dome kingdom. I find it very interesting hearing what people think about my work.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Crochet Crochet Crochet....

Once again I've taken a massive lul in my blog, I just get out of it and feel that my thoughts and activities aren't worth writing about or reading, but here's me trying to get back into it, I think it'll be good for me once I get my artist website up and running.. And confidence in myself and my work etc..

Anywho! CROCHET!
So my final project is all about the crochet. It's a therapeutic process which I thoroughly enjoy and have taken it up as a textile sculptural form. I crochet circle domes of varying sized and place them together to form a type of strange landscape across the wall. I use natural twine fibres as my material as I like its raw, earthy qualities.

At the moment it's production, production, production! But I'm also experimenting in the best way to attach them to the wall. I tried nails but they're too visible and there's less control over its placement, the other alternative which has worked the best is drawing pins, they stay hidden underneath the material and it's easier to place them together so each circle dome is touching.

Soon we'll be clearing the studios and turning it into our very own gallery space! Exciting!