Wednesday 25 July 2012

A Piece of Cake


'A Piece of Cake' by Cupcake Brown is a tumultuous story of a young girl experiencing first hand the death of her mother, to be torn away from her loving family and thrown into the foster care system. From here she was physically and sexually abused, using alcohol and drugs as a means of escape and 'turning tricks' for money. Upon leaving foster care, she becomes exposed to the life of dangerous gangs and harder drugs. Her life seems to just go downhill from there, however still maintaining a job, she convinces herself that she's not an addict, but just needs to learn how to control her using. After hitting rock bottom, finding herself raped and beaten behind a dumpster, she stays there for four days thinking about suicide until the little voice in her head tells her she needs to sort herself out. 
She checks herself into rehab with support from her boss and slowly starts building up her life and trusting God, she begins experiencing things in a new light as a sober woman, surrounding herself with sober and loving people, everything is turning around for her, even starting her education with the goal of entering law school. she finally gets the love, support and life that she deserves.

On finishing this memoir I was in floods of tears. This book will stay with me forever, such a strong heartfelt story which will no doubt touch other lives and help others struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, and for others, it will make them realise how lucky they are and to be grateful for what they have!! A higher power was definitely watching over and protecting this young woman. I'm so glad I read this book, and highly recommend it to everyone!

Made With Love

I recently finished making a slouchy beret. I learnt how to crochet that afternoon and by evening I was away! It was so much fun to make and very thereputic. I figured, why spend £15+ for a beautiful hat when you can buy some yarn (this ball cost £3.45) and learn something at the same time as owning a cheap awesome accessory!
I got the tutorial from youtube, a girl named Tracey Nguyen, who to me is an expert in crochet and all things DIY, here's the link to the video I used: 

It's perfect for beginners, just follow her steps and you'll have your own chunky beret in no time!
I must say, I was being hasty and just wanted to get started, so i used my only hook and my one ball of yarn and just got started, this meant that my beret isnt as chunky as it's supposed to be as my yarn was thinner than reccommended and also, i used my 4mm hook instead of 5.5mm which made the knit alot tighter. This meant that when i first finished the hat it was tiny! it only just fit my little brothers head, so i modified it. 
If you do the same as me and cant wait to get started, then before the video tells you to decrease, just add a couple more double crochet rows until you think it's big enough and then don't decrease as harshly as Tracey does (I decreased every other stitch instead of every three), to me, this just makes it look a little neater.

It fits perfect and looks amazing :) now I just need autumn to hurry up so I can wear it! (and the other's i'm sure I'll make in the mean time).

Saturday 14 July 2012

Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair

I've just come aross this poster and now I really want to go! I once went to one of these fairs held at the University of Derby and it was brilliant! I got some gorgeous earrings and a big mustard jumper! which is a little too big, but still beautiful and vintage!

Fingers crossed I have pennies to spend by then (it also means I can see my much missed Matt)

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Blog: Revisited

So blogger, It's been a while! So I'll catch you up to speed!
Just finished my second year of uni, and now I'm wishing the time away to get stuck in to my third year, ideas are brimming! I think I'm going to get started early though, make a sketchbook and start scribbling. Actually, I made a sulpture as part of a week long residency for the National Trust and this base idea has completely changed my thoughts from my work from the past two years! Let's hope it'll be a good change for my third year, once I get started on it I'll post the pictures.

I'm now living with a close friend that I've worked with for the past two years. It's in a beautiful little village in South Derbyshire, I'm basically living in my dream house for a year! The move went smoothly from one house to the next and I'm settling in. Missing home so I'm going back shortly for afew days soon which will be great.

Just realised that's pretty much it, but it feels as though alot has happened in the last few weeks! I'll leave it at that, short and sweet - I'm also going to try and blog once a week as I tend to just forget!