Thursday 13 October 2011

Update on my work!

My work has a recurring theme of line, i find it beautiful, such a simple form yet can become so intricate and detailed from another perspective. My favourite way to create line is for it to come from within, as an example from earlier work which i was quite fond of, I took a personal object, (this being old teeth taken out when i was younger) and re-creating its form. I prefered the pieces to be spontaneous so i made the line by only looking at the object and not the paper, by doing this i feel that the drawing becomes raw and untouched by the makers ideals of what it should look like.

From here i chose to create the line from stitch, as this is another outlet to create line, that, and i love the way lines are created with thread from both hand and machine. I am inspired by textile artists who use their sewing machines to create works of art both to make expressionist work but also depicting realism and portraiture, its fascinating and one day i wish to make work to this effect.

This was just a background into my present work; at the moment im working closely with the themes of identity, landscape (Haworth Moors) and literature. As I'm from Haworth, I have a strong sense of home and it has become more apparent to me in recent years since living away from home that Haworth is an important part of who I am.
  The landscape of the moors is very wild and desolate, I wish to capture these attributes and portray it through line and stitch by working closely with textile. The link with the literature part is that the Bronte sisters are also from Haworth, the women who wrote Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, and Shirley etc, and were inspired by this very landscape to write these books, especially Wuthering Heights where the wild moors became a metaphor for Cathy's personality and romance between herself and Heathcliff.

Saturday 8 October 2011

An introduction

So time to introduce myself, My name is Samantha and I'm 22, a fine art student with a passion for painting, sculpture and textile, I'm in my second year and becoming more involved with my sewing machine and exploring the different forms of line. You'll hear me rambling about my artwork in future blogs though, otherwise this intro will never end ;)

My main hobbie is to read, I'm a massive book worm and love anything from classics to contemporary novels, an ambition for the future is to one day become an author and inspire the future generation the same way I have been inspired.

This blog is for myself, I've never blogged before and the only intentions I have are to keep my thoughts organised, when I write things down my head becomes clearer, this space gives me the freedom to ramble about loves, hates and share things which inspire me. If you read this then wonderful and I hope you enjoy my imagination, opinions and thought processes and leave with a smile on your face :)