Thursday 9 January 2014

A much needed update!

I've been so quiet on here of late, well.. for the past 6+ months and, to be honest, it always makes me a little nervous the idea of writing a blog. I know I intend to use it as a way of looking back on my little antics as I'm very forgetful and it's nice to reflect back on things from a year or so ago, but the idea of someone reading my thoughts is a little scary!

However, it's something I'll eventually get over... So here's what I've been up to!

In June after finishing University with a Degree in Fine Art (yay) I moved 200 miles south to live with my boyfriend and his lovely family in Stevenage, and since then I've acquired two little jobs which are slowly helping towards saving for a house. I've made some wonderful new friends since living here, and feel like I've settled in really well and I'm truly happy.

We had a lovely Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to my Graduation next week where I'll get to see some of my family whom I really miss.

I think from now on, I'm really going to make a conscious effort to keep up to date with this blog with a flow of book reviews, skincare and make up reviews, the odd contemplation, travel and life in general, and I might throw in a little knitting and crochet in there too ;)

I have a feeling 2014 will be a good one!